Latte News
- Latte 2.1 released (25 October 1999)
- Fix for gcc 2.95 compiler error
- One more speedup -- swapped Latte definition of \while for compiled
- New macros in standard.latte: \defmacro and \foreach
- Latte 2.0 released (21 October 1999 -- happy birthday, Latte!)
- Speed optimizations
- Bug fixes
- New parser (unfortunately, syntax error reporting is slightly degraded)
- latte-text translator (rudimentary)
- New string inequality operators
- New operator \funcall
- \varref operator removed
- New latte-html option -p for including </p> at para ends. Imperfect.
- shdeque<> is a "shared deque" and is the basis for Latte_List
- New error type, "Useless subexpression"
- Bonus Perl script, (converts HTML to Latte)
- Current directory implicity searched for library files after LATTE_PATH
- Macros, quote, and quasiquote
- Eval rules greatly sanitized
- Top-level forms evaluated top-down instead of inside out
- "Visitors" no longer responsible for evaluating expressions
- Redundant evals eliminated
- Closure-value ambiguity eliminated
Closures return the value of their last subexpression. Previously,
closures constructed a list of all subexpression values and returned
that, BUT unwrapped that list if it contained exactly one
subexpression, leading to confusion for callers.
- Latte 1.1 released (10 November 1998)
- Support for building RedHat-style RPM distributions
- Support for MacOS and Win32
- API documentation partially completed
- No need to install flex to build Latte
- Debugging output slightly improved
- Flex-generated symbols are now renamed to avoid name clashes
- New generic character-entity functions \ch and \chx
- Command-line enhancements: -o FILE; and `-' means stdin
- Error messages now give a useful backtrace
- Latte 1.0.1 released (26 October 1998)
- Now compiles on Solaris
...after working around some compiler bugs
- Fix --enable-floating-point
- Optimize some list accesses
- \nth now understands a negative index like \substr and \subseq do
- Some function arguments are more rigorously range-checked
- Error reports now count function arguments from 1, not 0
- Fix \while so it doesn't build a useless implicit list of values
- Latte 1.0 released (21 October 1998)