{\def \colors {#f0f0ff white}}
{\def \next-color
      {\let {{\current-color -1}}
        {\lambda {}
         {\set! \current-color {\modulo {\add \current-color 1}
                                        {\length \colors}}}
         {\nth \current-color \colors}}}}

{\def {\survey-question \left \right}
  {\tr \bgcolor={\next-color}
   {\td \align=right \left}
   {\td \right}}}

{\def \foreach
  {\macro {\var \vals \&body}
   \`{\let {{\,\var {}}
            {\vals \,\vals}}
       {\while \vals
         {\set! \,\var {\car \vals}}
         {\set! \vals {\cdr \vals}}

{\page \name={Download Latte}

 The Latte source distribution is a gzip'd tar file of C++ code from
 which you can build {\tt latte-html}, the Latte-to-HTML translator,
 and {\tt liblatte}, the programming library that allows you to build
 additional Latte applications.

 Please see {\a \href=buildnotes.html the build notes page} for
 assistance in compiling Latte.

 {\table \bgcolor=#e0e0ff \border=1 \width=80% \align=center
    {\let {{\tarball {\concat latte-\__latte-version__.tar.gz}}}
      {The current Latte distribution is \tarball, which is
       {\process-output perl filesize.pl \tarball}
       bytes long.

       {\a \href=\tarball Download \tarball}.}}}}}

 Precompiled binaries for x86 Linux are available in RPM (RedHat
 Package Manager) format.  The basic Latte RPM includes the {\tt
 latte-html} program, documentation, and supporting files.  The Latte
 development RPM includes programming libraries and header files that
 allow the creation of other Latte-based applications.

 {\table \bgcolor=#e0e0ff \border=1 \width=80% \align=center
     {\foreach \platform {i386 i686}
      {\foreach \package {latte latte-devel}
       {\let {{\file {\concat \package -\__latte-version__ -0.\platform.rpm}}}
         {\li File {\a \href=\file \file},
              size {\process-output perl filesize.pl \file} bytes.}}}}
     {\let {{\file latte-2.1-0.src.rpm}}
       {\li File {\a \href=\file \file},
            size {\process-output perl filesize.pl \file} bytes.}}}}}}

\;      {\let {{\rpm1 {\concat latte-\__latte-version__ -0.i386.rpm}}
\;             {\rpm2 {\concat latte-devel-\__latte-version__ -0.i386.rpm}}}
\;        {The basic Latte binary RPM for x86 Linux is \rpm1, which is
\;         {\process-output perl filesize.pl \rpm1} bytes long.

\;         The Latte development binary RPM for x86 Linux is \rpm2, which
\;         is
\;         {\process-output perl filesize.pl \rpm2} bytes long.

\;         {\a \href=\rpm1 Download \rpm1}
\;         {\br}
\;         {\a \href=\rpm2 Download \rpm2}}}

\;   An experimental precompiled binary is available for Win32.

 We hope to make a precompiled binary for Win32 available soon.

\;   {\table \bgcolor=#e0e0ff \border=1 \width=80% \align=center
\;    {\tr
\;     {\td
\;      The Latte Win32 distribution is latte.zip, which is
\;      {\process-output perl filesize.pl latte.zip}
\;      bytes long.

\;      {\a \href=latte.zip Download latte.zip}}}}


 {\h3 Optional survey}

 While you're here, we'd appreciate knowing a little about you and
 your interest in Latte.  Please take a moment to complete this
 survey.  All fields are completely optional, and any information you
 supply is kept strictly confidential.  Thanks!

  {\form \method=post \action=survey.cgi
   {\table \border=0
     {What is your name?}
     {\input \type=text \size=40 \name=name}}
     {What is your e-mail address?}
     {\input \type=text \size=40 \name=email}}
     {What is your computing platform?}
     {\table \width=100% \border=0
      {\tr \valign=top
       {\th \align=left Hardware}
       {\th \align=left Operating system}}
      {\tr \valign=top
        {\input \type=radio \name=hardware \value=x86} x86/Pentium PC{\br}
        {\input \type=radio \name=hardware \value=mac} Macintosh{\br}
        {\input \type=radio \name=hardware \value=other} Other}
        {\input \type=radio \name=os \value=linux} Linux{\br}
        {\input \type=radio \name=os \value=freebsd} FreeBSD{\br}
        {\input \type=radio \name=os \value=unix} Other Unix{\br}
        {\input \type=radio \name=os \value=windows} Windows 95/98/NT{\br}
        {\input \type=radio \name=os \value=macos} MacOS{\br}
        {\input \type=radio \name=os \value=other} Other}}}}
     {Where did you learn about Latte?}
     {\table \border=0
      {\tr \valign=top
        {\input \type=radio \name=hear \value=zanshin}
        {\a \href=http://www.zanshin.com/ Zanshin} web site}
        {\input \type=radio \name=hear \value=latte}
        Latte-produced document}}
      {\tr \valign=top
        {\input \type=radio \name=hear \value=online}
        Online article/review}
        {\input \type=radio \name=hear \value=print}
        Print/broadcast media}}
      {\tr \valign=top
        {\input \type=radio \name=hear \value=friend}
        {\input \type=radio \name=hear \value=other} Other}}}}
     {Which best describes you?
      {\br}(Check all that apply.)}
     {\table \border=0
      {\tr \valign=top
        {\input \type=checkbox \name=descrip \value=student} Student}
        {\input \type=checkbox \name=descrip \value=programmer} Programmer}}
      {\tr \valign=top
        {\input \type=checkbox \name=descrip \value=designer} Web designer}
        {\input \type=checkbox \name=descrip \value=pro}
        Computer professional}}
        {\input \type=checkbox \name=descrip \value=writer} Writer}
        {\input \type=checkbox \name=descrip \value=other} Other}}}}
     {How do you plan to use Latte?{\br}
      Any additional comments?}
     {\textarea \name=comments \cols=40 \rows=4 \nonstandard={wrap virtual}}}}

   {\input \type=checkbox \checked=1 \name=subscribe \value=yes}
   Subscribe me to the {\a \href=correspond.html Latte mailing list}.

   {\input \type=submit \value=Submit}}}
