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The Language for Transforming Text

Bob Glickstein

Latte and this manual are Copyright © 1998 Zanshin, Inc., and are subject to the Zanshin Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at

This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Latte, the Language for Transforming Text, is a very simple and powerful language for including markup in text documents. Markup refers to information in the text that isn't strictly part of the text but describes it--for example, to specify that a certain word should appear in boldface, or that a certain phrase is to be rendered as a chapter heading.

Many languages for text markup already exist. The best-known one is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the language of World-Wide Web documents. Other well-known markup languages are SGML, TeX, and troff.

Why create a new markup language? Because the existing languages lack generality. HTML can't easily be used for anything except web documents. TeX can't easily be used for anything except printed books, articles, business letters, and the like.

Latte, on the other hand, defines a very simple syntax that is suitable for every task requiring text markup. Latte also provides a software library that makes it easy for programmers to create translators from Latte into other languages. One such translator, latte-html, comes with Latte and can convert Latte documents into HTML. Another, latte-text, produces a plain text version of the very same source document. Many other Latte translators are planned.

HTML authors generally find it easier to write in Latte than in HTML (see section 3.6 Latte vs. HTML).

Latte documents can therefore be used for everything HTML is used for and everything TeX is used for and everything troff is used for, etc. In fact, a single Latte document can be run through different translators to produce HTML, TeX, and plain text versions.

Latte is dedicated to my sister, the amazing Suzanne Glickstein.

2. Latte examples

Here are some examples illustrating the use of Latte to write World Wide Web documents.
{\head {\title Our document}}
 {\h1 Our document}

 Here is our first WWW document produced with
 {\a \href= Latte}.

 We can't wait to get started on our second document!}

This short Latte document produces the following HTML when run through latte-html -f:
<head><title>Our document</title></head>
<body><p><h1>Our document</h1>

 <p>Here is our first WWW document produced with
 <a href="">Latte</a>.

 <p>We can't wait to get started on our second document!</body>

Observe that Latte uses curly braces (`{' and `}') to group text, and a backslash (`\') to introduce markup keywords.

This example only uses Latte keywords that are exact analogs of HTML tags: head, title, body, h1, a, and the attribute href. It's possible to write Latte documents that contain nothing but HTML analogs, but the real power of Latte is revealed when its own features are combined with those of the target language.

For instance, note that the document title of the previous example, Our document, appears twice in the Latte and HTML versions--once inside the title tag and once inside the h1 tag. It shouldn't be necessary to write the document's title twice, though. It should suffice to write it once and by some mechanism have it appear in the two places it's needed. Also, writing it twice is an invitation to error: if the document title ever changes, it's possible to update it in one place and forget to update it in the other.

Here's a version of the first example that solves that problem:
{\def \doctitle {Our document}}
{\head {\title \doctitle}}
 {\h1 \doctitle}

 Here is our first WWW document produced with
 {\a \href= Latte}.

 We can't wait to get started on our second document!}

This version begins by using the Latte procedure \def to define a new variable named \doctitle. The value of \doctitle is Our document. This value is substituted in the two places that \doctitle is used when this file is processed with latte-html.

Now suppose the enthusiastic authors of this example decide that every WWW document they write will have the same text in the title section as in an h1 section at the beginning of the document body. Rather than structure every Latte file along these lines:
{\def \doctitle ...}
{\head {\title \doctitle}}
 {\h1 \doctitle}


they can define a function to do that work for them:
{\def {\document \doctitle \&content}
  {{\head {\title \doctitle}}
     {\h1 \doctitle}}


and can now write each document in abbreviated fashion:
{\document {Our second document}
  This was as exciting to
  write as our first!}

3. Latte syntax

When a Latte translator program such as latte-html reads a Latte file, it considers the contents as a sequence of Latte expressions. An expression is one of the following things:

These are all covered in more detail in the sections that follow. Other constructs that may appear in a Latte file are:

3.1 Words and strings

Most Latte files consist mainly of "words." Simply put, words are those sequences of characters that aren't categorized as any other kind of Latte construct. To be more precise, a Latte word is a sequence of characters that does not include whitespace, backslashes, or curly braces. However, any of those characters can be included in a word by escaping them with a backslash.

Here's an example:
In a Latte "word," you must use \\ to escape \\, \{ and \}.

This example contains these fourteen Latte words:

  1. In
  2. a
  3. Latte
  4. "word,"
  5. you
  6. must
  7. use
  8. \
  9. to
  10. escape
  11. \,
  12. {
  13. and
  14. }.

In Latte, whitespace is not normally part of a word (it's handled specially; see section 3.5 Whitespace). Sometimes, however, it's desirable to force Latte to consider a single word to include some whitespace, especially when you wish to affix whitespace to the beginning or end of a word. This is best accomplished by using a quoted string, which Latte treats exactly like a word. A quoted string begins with `\"' and ends with `\"'. Inside a quoted string, only backslash must be escaped (with a backslash); every other character, including `"', `{', and `}', can be written normally. Quoted strings are therefore also useful for text that contains a lot of curly braces, such as fragments of C or Perl programs.

Note that the only way to represent an empty word in Latte is with quoting: \"\".

3.2 Variables

A Latte variable can hold a single Latte expression as its value. That value is substituted wherever the variable is used.

The expression
{\def \varname expression}

creates a new variable named varname whose value is expression.

The expression
{\set! \varname expression}

assigns the new value expression to varname, which must previously have been defined with \def.

The expression
{\let {{\varname1 expression1}
       {\varname2 expression2}
  body ...}

assigns expression1 to varname1, expression2 to varname2, and so on, then executes body with those variables in effect. Outside of the \let expression, those variables do not exist.

3.2.1 Scope

It is possible to have a variable outside a \let with the same name as a variable inside a \let. Suppose the variable is \foo. Then the definition inside the \let hides or shadows the definition outside the \let, like so:
{\def \foo 7}

{\let {{\foo 12}}
  The value of foo is \foo}

Now the value of foo is \foo

This example yields the following text:
The value of foo is 12

Now the value of foo is 7

The region in which a variable is visible is called its scope. Different computer languages have different scoping rules. Latte uses lexical scope, also sometimes called static scope. This means that you can always tell by looking at the Latte file exactly which variable is meant by each variable reference--it's always the one defined in the textually innermost enclosing scope.(1)

3.2.2 Function parameters

The parameters of Latte functions (see section 3.3 Groups) are variables whose scope is the body of the function for which they're defined. There are three kinds of function parameter in Latte:

positional parameter
This is the simplest kind of parameter. In the definition of the function, a positional parameter is written exactly like an ordinary variable. When the function is invoked, the first actual argument is assigned to the first positional parameter, the second actual argument is assigned to the second positional parameter, and so on.(2) Here's an example of a function with two positional parameters:
{\def {\function \param1 \param2}
  {My arguments are \param1 and \param2.}}

{\function red green}
  => My arguments are red and green.
If fewer arguments are given than there are positional parameters, then the excess parameters get the default value {} (i.e., the empty group). If too many arguments are given and there is no "rest parameter" (see below), the excess arguments are silently ignored.
named parameter
When a function is invoked, a named parameter only gets a value when the caller explicitly assigns it a value by name. In the parameter list of the function definition, a named parameter is indicated by \=param. When the function is called, its named parameters are given values by writing \param=value. (There must be no whitespace between \param and the = that follows it.) In the body of a function, named parameters are referenced like ordinary variables. Example:
{\def {\function \=param}
  {\if \param
    {My param is \param}}}

{\function \param={full of eels}}
  => My param is full of eels
Any named parameter not given a value gets the value {} by default. Note that one difference between positional parameters and named parameters is that the caller of a function need not know the names of positional parameters in order to use them, but must know the names of named parameters in order to use those. When a function is invoked, any named parameter assignments do not affect matching up arguments to positional parameters. Named parameter assignments may be given in any order, anywhere in the argument list, without changing the meaning of the function call.
rest parameter
Every function may have one rest parameter, which is denoted in the parameter list by \&param. The value of this parameter is a Latte group containing excess arguments that could not be assigned to positional parameters. Example:
{\def {\function \param1 \param2 \&rest}
  {The first two parameters are \param1 and \param2
   The remaining parameters are \rest}}

{\function a b c d e}
  => The first two parameters are a and b
     The remaining parameters are c d e
Latte makes extensive use of rest parameters in functions that are HTML analogs, allowing Latte to represent an arbitrary amount of enclosed text easily (see section 5.2.2 Balanced tag functions). For example, here is a simplified definition of \a (with some essential details removed for clarity), which emits an HTML anchor:
{\def {\a \=href \&rest}
  {<a {\if \href
        {href="\href"}} >
Now when \a is called as follows:
{\a \href=
    The Language for Transforming Text}
the five excess arguments---The, Language, for, Transforming, and Text---are grouped together in \rest and emitted between the <a> and </a> tags, yielding
<a href="">
The Language for Transforming Text
(One of the details removed for clarity is the precise whitespace arrangement in the output of this example, but we return to this example with greater precision in section 3.5 Whitespace.)

3.3 Groups

A group in Latte is an expression composed of a sequence of zero or more subexpressions surrounded by `{' and `}'.

Groups serve two purposes. The first is to gather multiple expressions into a single expression, for use in contexts where only a single expression is allowed. For example, only a single expression may be passed as the value when defining a variable with \def. If the value happens to be a single word, grouping isn't needed:
{\def \var Hello}

but for more complex values, grouping is needed:
{\def \var {Hello there}}

The other use of groups in Latte is for performing function calls. When the first subexpression of a group is a function (that is, when it is a variable reference whose value is a function, or when it is some other Latte expression yielding a function), then that function is called, passing the remaining subexpressions to it as arguments. (The rules for how arguments are interpreted by functions are described in section 3.2.2 Function parameters.) The entire group is then replaced with the value produced by the function call.

Of special interest is the variant of \def that looks like this:
{\def {\var ...}
  body ...}

When the first argument to \def is a group rather than a variable reference, then it is interpreted as a function definition. For details on using \def, see section 4. Latte builtins.

3.4 Quoted expressions

A quoted expression is a Latte expression preceded by a quote symbol, of which there are four kinds described below.

Quoting expressions is for preventing them from being evaluated, or exerting control over when they're evaluated. In Latte this is generally necessary only when writing macros (see section 4.3 Functions on functions).

Here are the four kinds of quoted expressions:

This is an ordinary quote that, when evaluated, yields expr exactly as written. Example:
\'{\add 3 4}
  => {\add 3 4}
This is called quasiquote and works just like the ordinary quote, except that individual subexpressions of expr may be unquoted. The result of evaluating a quasiquoted expression is that expression itself, except with any unquoted subexpressions replaced by their values. (See below for example.)
This is an unquote. When it appears inside a quasiquoted expression, it causes expr to be evaluated. Example:
\`{\add \,{\multiply 3 4} 5}
  => {\add 12 5}
This is called unquote-splicing, or splicing unquote. It works just like unquote, except that if the result of evaluating expr is a group, then the result of \,@expr is the individual elements of that group rather than the group containing the elements. This is used for "splicing" the elements of a list into the containing list at the same nesting level. Example:
\`{a b \,@{\group c d e} f}
  => {a b c d e f}
See the documentation for \macro for an example using the different forms of quote.

3.5 Whitespace

As mentioned earlier, a Latte translator divides a Latte file into expressions. Whitespace is not considered an expression. Instead, each expression gets associated with the whitespace that precedes it in the Latte file. For example, when given the following input:
{\document {Our second document}
  This was as exciting to
  write as our first!}

Latte divides it up as follows:

The whitespace attached to an expression follows the expression wherever it goes (e.g., whether the expression is assigned to variables, passed to functions, etc.). However, that may not be the whitespace used when and if the expression is emitted as output. In general, when emitting output, expressions inherit the preceding-whitespace of the context in which they're used, not the context in which they're defined.

Here are some examples:
{\def \foo Hello}

  => "Hello"

In this example, even though Hello is preceded by a single space where it's assigned to \foo, the use of \foo has zero spaces preceding it, so the result contains no space between " and Hello.
{\def {\a \=href \&rest}
  {<a {\if \href
        {href="\href"}} >

{\a \href=foo bar}
  => <a href="foo" >

Why, in the output, is there just one space between a and href? In the definition of \a, the subexpression {href="\href"} is preceded by a newline and several spaces. However, it's used inside an \if expression, which itself is preceded by only one space. When the \if expression is replaced by the {href="\href"} subexpression, the subexpression inherits its whitespace.

A word about the "forget-whitespace" symbol, \/. When this appears in a Latte file, all the whitespace that precedes it is canceled. This can be useful when you want the Latte source to include whitespace for readability, but you don't want that whitespace to appear in the output.

3.6 Latte vs. HTML

HTML was never supposed to be something that you would see... it staggers me that people have actually put up with having to write HTML by hand.

---Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of HTML

Here are some shortcomings of HTML that are remedied by Latte.

Matching tags
In HTML, most markup tags come in beginning-ending pairs that must match and nest properly. For instance, <b><i>text</i></b> is how you'd put text in a bold-italic typeface. But if you write <b><i>text</b></i>, it's an error. Plus, all those paired tags create a lot of visual clutter, making HTML hard for humans to read. And most text editors can't offer much help in identifying and navigating matching sets of tags. On the other hand, Latte uses curly braces to group text, which most text editors are already able to handle well. And Latte only requires beginning tags, not ending tags, reducing visual clutter and eliminating the potential for mismatches.
Paragraph tags
HTML requires <p> to appear at the beginning of each paragraph. Since most of us are accustomed to denoting paragraph breaks with just a blank line, it's easy to forget the <p>. When the <p> is remembered, it adds more clutter to the text. When latte-html outputs one or more blank lines, it automatically includes a <p>. See section 5.1 Automatic HTML processing.
HTML defines numerous metacharacters---characters that trigger special processing. These include `<', `>', `&', and `"'. Wherever you wish to include these characters in a document, you must use a named "character entity" instead: &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, and &quot;. Not only are these characters bad choices for metacharacters in documents that are mostly textual (and may therefore be expected to contain several occurrences of `"' and `&' at least), but their character entity replacements are verbose and are not visually related to the characters they replace. In Latte, the only metacharacters are `\', `{', and `}', and to use these characters literally, it is only necessary to escape them with a backslash. When latte-html encounters HTML metacharacters such as &, it automatically emits the corresponding HTML character entity.
Repeated text and constructs
HTML has no macro facility; no way to store text that is used repeatedly in a document, and no way to define shorthand for oft-used idioms. Consequently, HTML documents may contain redundant stretches of text (as we saw in the first example; see section 2. Latte examples) or complex, repeated, and difficult-to-diagnose layout directives. Latte is a full-fledged programming language. Not only can repeated constructs be encapsulated in variables and functions, but these variables and functions can have descriptive names that indicate their purpose. Instead of dozens of nested <table>, <tr>, and <td> tags, for instance, each with dozens of attribute settings, one can lay out a complex page with something simple like:
{\layout \top-margin={...}
         ...main body...}

4. Latte builtins

This chapter is a reference guide to the built-in functions of Latte. It does not describe the HTML-related functions of latte-html. For those, see section 5.2 HTML functions.

Most of these functions are intrinsic to Latte. However, some are loaded at runtime from the library file `standard.latte'.

4.1 Control structures

Function: if test then-expr else-expr

Evaluates test. If the result is true (see section 4.5 Boolean functions), evaluates then-expr, otherwise evaluates else-expr.

The result of the \if is the result of whichever of the then-expr or else-expr is invoked. If else-expr is omitted, it is taken to be {} by default.

Function: while test body ...

Evaluates test. If the result is true, evaluates the body subexpressions, then repeats.

The result is the concatenation of the results of each invocation of the body expressions. For example:
{\def \i 0}
{\while {\less? \i 3}
  i is \i
  {\set! \i {\add \i 1}}}
  => i is 0
     i is 1
     i is 2

Function: foreach \var group body ...

Evaluates group. Then, for each element in the result, sets \var to that value and evaluates the body subexpressions.

4.2 Functions on variables

Function: def \var value

Creates a new variable \var in the innermost scope (see section 3.2.1 Scope), evaluates value, and assigns the result to the new variable.

Function: def {\var params ...} body ...

Creates a new function whose parameters are given by params and whose body consists of body; assigns the function to the new variable \var in the innermost scope.

The parameter list params consists of zero or more positional parameters and named parameters, plus one optional rest parameter. See section 3.2.2 Function parameters.

When the function is invoked, the body expressions are evaluated one at a time in sequence. The return value of the function is the value of the last body expression.
This behavior differs from that of Latte versions prior to 2.0!
In those versions, user-defined functions constructed an implicit group
containing the values of all body expressions.  That behavior
introduced an ambiguity in the case of functions that sometimes returned
a group and sometimes returned some other kind of value.  The new
behavior more closely matches that of other related programming
languages (see section A. Pedigree).

To ensure that a function written for the old Latte works under the
current Latte, it should generally suffice to convert this:

{\def {\func args ...}
  body1 body2 ...}
into this:
{\def {\func args ...}
  {body1 body2 ...}}
To aid in this transition, a new kind of error is detected by Latte. Invoking a user-defined function that contains subexpressions that have no side effects and don't participate in the return value signals a "Useless subexpression" error.

Note that {\def {\var params ...} body ...} is exactly equivalent to
{\def \var
      {\lambda {params ...}
        body ...}}

The \lambda function is described in section 4.3 Functions on functions.

Function: defmacro {\var params ...} body ...

Like {\def {\var params ...} body ..., but creates a macro instead of a function. See \macro (see section 4.3 Functions on functions).

Function: let {{\var value} ...} body ...

Assigns to each \\var the result of evaluating each value, then evaluates body in the scope of those variables. Note that every value is evaluated before any of the \vars is assigned, so the values cannot refer to the \vars. In other words, this is an error:
{\let {{\list {x y z}}
       {\first {\front \list}}}

To get the desired effect, you can do this:
{\let {{\list {x y z}}}
  {\let {{\first {\front \list}}}

or this:
{\let {{\list {x y z}}
       {\first {}}}
  {\set! \first {\front \list}}

The value of the \let expression is the result of evaluating the last body expression.
This behavior differs from that of Latte versions prior to 2.0!
In those versions, \let expressions constructed an implicit group
containing the values of all body expressions.  See \def
for a discussion of this change.

To ensure that a \let expression written for the old Latte works
under the current Latte, it should generally suffice to convert this:

{\let {{\var val} ...}
  body1 body2 ...}
into this:
{\let {{\var val} ...}
  {body1 body2 ...}}
To aid in this transition, a new kind of error is detected by Latte. Invoking a \let expression that contains subexpressions that have no side effects and don't participate in the return value signals a "Useless subexpression" error.

Note that
{\let {{\var val} ...}
  body ...}

is equivalent to
{{\lambda {\var ...} body ...} val ...}

Function: set! \var value

Assigns to existing variable \var the result of evaluating value.

4.3 Functions on functions

Function: funcall function args ...

Evaluates function; the result must be a Latte function. Then evaluates all of the args. The function yielded by function is then invoked, with args passed in as its arguments.
{\funcall \add 2 3 4} => 9

Function: apply function args ... last-arg

Exactly like \funcall, except that if the value of last-arg is a group, then its elements, not the group, are passed individually to function.
{\apply \add 2 3 4} => 9

{\let {{\numbers {2 3 4}}}
  {\apply \add 6 \numbers}} => 15

Function: lambda {params ...} body ...

Creates a Latte function with parameter list given by params and body given by body.

A full discussion of user-defined functions in Latte appears in the description for \def (see section 4.2 Functions on variables).

Function: macro {params ...} body ...

Like \lambda, this produces a new Latte function with the given parameter list and body; but the function produced is a special kind called a macro. When the macro is evaluated by passing it some argument:

  1. the arguments are not evaluated;
  2. the macro body is evaluated using the non-evaluated argument values;
  3. the result of that is then evaluated.

For example, here's how to use a macro to define a function called \unless.

{\def \unless
  {\macro {\test \&body}
   \`{\if {\not \,\test} \,\body}}}

The idea is for {\unless test body ...} to evaluate body only when test is false. Here's how the macro definition works when \unless is called like this:

{\unless {\zero? \x}
  {\set! \x {\subtract \x 1}}}

  1. The argument value {\zero? \x} is assigned to the macro parameter \test, and the remaining arguments (in this example, the sole body expression) are gathered into a group and assigned to \body (so \body equals {{\set! \x {\subtract \x 1}}}}).
  2. The body of the macro is evaluated. This is a quasiquoted expression (see section 3.4 Quoted expressions), so first, nested unquoted expressions are evaluated:
    1. \,\test => {\zero? \x}
    2. \,\body => {{\set! \x {\subtract \x 1}}}}
    and then the quasiquoted expression is returned with the unquoted subexpressions replaced by their values:
    {\if {\not {\zero? \x}}
         {{\set! \x {\subtract \x 1}}}}}
  3. The resulting expression is evaluated normally.

Function: compose f1 f2

Produces a new function of one argument that yields {f1 {f2 x}} (where x is the argument). Naturally, f1 and f2 must both be functions of one argument.

This is used in the definition of \cadr et al. (see section 4.4 Group functions):

{\def \cadr {\compose \car \cdr}}

Function: lmap function group

Evaluates function, which must yield a function, and group, which must yield a group. Then applies function to each element of group in turn, yielding a group containing the result of each function call.

{\def {\add1 \x} {\add \x 1}}
{\lmap \add1 {3 4 5}} => 4 5 6

4.4 Group functions

Function: append expr ...

Each expr is evaluated, and a group of expressions is constructed as follows: if expr's value is a group, its elements are individually added to the result; otherwise expr's value is added as a single element.

Function: back group

Yields the last element of the given group.

Function: car group

Yields the first element from the given group. Synonym for \front.

Function: cdr group

Yields the elements of group minus the first element.

{\cdr {a b c}} => b c

Function: caar expr
Function: cadr expr
Function: cdar expr
Function: cddr expr

Produces {\car {\car expr}}, {\car {\cdr expr}}, {\cdr {\car expr}}, {\cdr {\cdr expr}}, respectively.

These functions are defined in `standard.latte' using \compose (see section 4.3 Functions on functions).

Function: cons expr group

Constructs a new group consisting of expr followed by the elements of group. Synonym for \push-front.

Function: empty? group

Yields a true value if group is empty, false otherwise. See section 4.5 Boolean functions. Equivalent to
{\equal? 0 {\length group}}

Function: front group

Yields the first element from the given group. Synonym for \car.

Function: group expr ...

Constructs a group consisting of all the given exprs.

Function: length group

Returns the number of elements in group. Can also be used on text strings; see section 4.6 Text functions.

Function: member? expr group

Returns a true value if expr is \equal? to any member of group, false otherwise.

Function: nth n group

Returns the nth element of group, counting from 0. Can also be used on text strings.

Function: push-back expr group

Constructs a new group consisting of the elements of group followed by expr. Synonym for \snoc.

Function: push-front expr group

Constructs a new group consisting of expr followed by the elements of group. Synonym for \cons.

Function: rdc group

Yields the elements of group minus the last element.

{\rdc {a b c}} => a b

Function: reverse group

Reverses the elements of group. Does not reverse the elements of nested groups.

{\reverse {a b c}} => c b a

{\reverse {a {b c} d}} => d b c a

Function: snoc expr group

Constructs a new group consisting of the elements of group followed by expr. Synonym for \push-back.

Function: subseq group from to

Constructs a new group consisting of the elements of group beginning at from and ending before to. Both from and to count from 0. If either is negative, positions are counted backward from the end of group rather than forward from the front. If to is omitted, the new group contains the elements from from through the end of group.

{\subseq {a b c d e} 1 3} => b c

{\subseq {a b c d e} -2} => d e

4.5 Boolean functions

Boolean values are truth and falsehood. In Latte, every value is considered "true" (for purposes of the test clauses in \if and \while) except for the empty group, {}, which is false. Note that the value 0 (zero), which is false in languages such as C and Perl, is true in Latte.

Function: and expr ...

Evaluates each expr in turn until one yields falsehood. If no expression yields falsehood, returns the value of the last one. Otherwise returns {}.

Function: not expr

Negates the truth value of expr. If expr is true, yields {}. If expr is false, yields the Latte "truth object." (The "truth object" is a boolean value with no displayable representation that is only used for this purpose.)

Function: or expr ...

Evaluates each expr in turn until one yields truth, then returns that value. If no expression is true, returns {}.

4.6 Text functions

Function: concat string ...

Constructs a new string by concatenating all the string arguments. Synonym for \string-append.

Function: downcase string ...

Constructs a group containing all the string values converted to lower case.

Function: explode string ...

Constructs a group whose elements are the individual characters of the given string values.

Function: length string

Returns the number of characters in string. Can also be used on groups; see section 4.4 Group functions.

Function: nth n string

Returns the nth character of string, counting from 0. Can also be used on groups.

Function: string-append string ...

Constructs a new string by concatenating all the string arguments. Synonym for \concat.

Function: string-ge? string ...

Returns truth if each string is greater than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-increasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \string-greater-equal?.

{\string-ge? three three ten ten seven one}

is true.

Function: string-greater-equal? string ...

Returns truth if each string is greater than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-increasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \string-ge?.

Function: string-greater? string ...

Returns truth if each string is strictly greater than the ones following it ("monotonically decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \string-gt?.

Function: string-gt? string ...

Returns truth if each string is strictly greater than the ones following it ("monotonically decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \string-greater?.

{\string-gt? three ten seven one}

is true.

Function: string-le? string ...

Returns truth if each string is less than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \string-less-equal?.

{\string-le? one seven ten ten three three}

is true.

Function: string-less-equal? string ...

Returns truth if each string is less than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \string-le?.

Function: string-less? string ...

Returns truth if each string is strictly less than the ones following it ("monotonically increasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \string-lt?.

Function: string-lt? string ...

Returns truth if each string is strictly less than the ones following it ("monotonically increasing"), else returns falsehood.

{\string-lt? one seven ten three}

is true.

Function: substr string from to

Constructs a new string consisting of the characters of string beginning at from and ending before to. Both from and to count from 0. If either is negative, positions are counted backward from the end of string rather than forward from the front. If to is omitted, the new string contains the characters from from through the end of string.

{\substr abcde 1 3} => bc

{\substr abcde -2} => de

Function: upcase string ...

Constructs a group containing all the string values converted to upper case.

4.7 Arithmetical functions

When Latte is installed, it can be configured for integer arithmetic only or for integer and floating-point arithmetic. If integer arithmetic only, then a number is any Latte string consisting of one or more digits, with an optional leading plus or minus sign. If integer and floating-point, then a number is any integer (as described) optionally followed by a decimal point and zero or more digits.

Function: add number ...

Adds all the given numbers.

Function: ceil number

Rounds number up to the next integer. If Latte is configured for integer-only arithmetic, number is returned unchanged.

Function: divide number ...

Divides the first number by each successive argument. An attempt to divide by zero triggers an error.

Function: floor number

Rounds number down to the next integer. If Latte is configured for integer-only arithmetic, number is returned unchanged.

Function: ge? number ...

Returns truth if each number is greater than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-increasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \greater-equal?.

{\ge? 10 10 7 3 3 1}

is true.

Function: greater-equal? number ...

Returns truth if each number is greater than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-increasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \ge?.

Function: greater? number ...

Returns truth if each number is strictly greater than the ones following it ("monotonically decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \gt?.

Function: gt? number ...

Returns truth if each number is strictly greater than the ones following it ("monotonically decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \greater?.

{\gt? 10 7 3 1}

is true.

Function: le? number ...

Returns truth if each number is less than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \less-equal?.

{\le? 1 3 3 7 10 10}

is true.

Function: less-equal? number ...

Returns truth if each number is less than or equal to the ones following it ("monotonically non-decreasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \le?.

Function: less? number ...

Returns truth if each number is strictly less than the ones following it ("monotonically increasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \lt?.

Function: lt? number ...

Returns truth if each number is strictly less than the ones following it ("monotonically increasing"), else returns falsehood. Synonym for \less?.

{\lt? 1 3 7 10}

is true.

Function: modulo a b

Returns a modulo b.

Function: multiply number ...

Multiplies all the given numbers.

Function: random n

Returns a random integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than n.

Function: subtract number ...

Subtracts from the first number each successive argument. If only one number is given, negates the number.

Function: zero? number

Returns truth if number is 0, falsehood otherwise. Equivalent to:
{\equal? 0 number}

4.8 File functions

Function: file-contents filename

Returns, as a Latte string, the contents of the file named by filename.

Function: process-output program args ...

Runs program with arguments args, returning the output of the program as a Latte string.

Function: load-file filename

Evaluates the contents of the Latte file filename. Textual results are discarded, but variable and function definitions and other side effects are retained.

Function: load-library filename

Like \load-file, but searches for filename using Latte's library-search algorithm. For each directory in the Latte search path, tries to load `filename' from that directory, or if that fails, `filename.latte'.

The default Latte search path is set at installation time, usually to the directories `/usr/local/share/latte' and `.'. It can be changed by setting the environment variable LATTE_PATH to a colon-separated list of directories.

Function: include filename

This works like \load-file but the text of filename is not discarded. This can therefore be used to assemble an aggregate Latte document out of smaller pieces.

4.9 Other functions

Function: equal? expr ...

Returns truth if all the exprs are equal, falsehood otherwise.

Equality is defined recursively on groups: two groups are \equal? if and only if each of their corresponding subexpressions are \equal?.

Function: getenv name

Returns the value of the environment variable named name. If no such environment variable exists, returns falsehood.

Function: error text ...

Exits from Latte with an error message given by text plus the file location where \error was called.

Function: group? expr

Returns truth if the given expr is a group, falsehood otherwise.

Function: operator? expr

Returns truth if the given expr is an operator (i.e., function), falsehood otherwise.

Function: string? expr

Returns truth if the given expr is a string, falsehood otherwise.

Function: warn text ...

Emits a warning message given by text plus the file location where \warn was called.

4.10 Predefined variables

Variable: __latte-version__

This variable is predefined to contain the version number of latte-html.

5. Writing HTML with Latte

Latte was originally created to provide a saner alternative to HTML. Although it has expanded in purpose, simplifying the production of HTML documents remains its primary use, at least for now. This chapter discusses how. An understanding of HTML is assumed.

5.1 Automatic HTML processing

As latte-html evaluates top-level Latte expressions, it performs two kinds of automatic HTML processing on the result before sending it to the output:

Automatic <p>-tag generation
Wherever one or more blank lines appear, any subsequent text is preceded with a <p> tag.
Automatic character-entity translation
Wherever an HTML metacharacter is encountered, its character-entity code is substituted; e.g., &lt; and &gt; for `<' and `>'.

These processing steps can be controlled using the \_pre and \html functions; see section 5.2 HTML functions.

5.2 HTML functions

This section describes the HTML functions available in latte-html. Most are defined in `html.latte', but some are intrinsic to latte-html.

Function: _pre text ...

This is a subroutine of the HTML tag function \pre (which is used for including preformatted text). Any text enclosed in {\_pre ...} is not subject to automatic <p>-tag generation. So whereas latte-html would normally turn this:
First paragraph.

Second paragraph.

into this:
First paragraph.

<p>Second paragraph.

it turns this:
{\_pre First paragraph.

Second paragraph.}

into this:
First paragraph.

Second paragraph.

Note that \_pre does not turn off automatic character-entity translation (see \html below), though it is possible to use \_pre in combination with \html to achieve that effect.

Function: html text ...

Text enclosed in {\html ...} is not subject to automatic HTML character-entity translation. In other words, where latte-html would normally translate this:
"Penn & Teller"

into this:
&quot;Penn &amp; Teller&quot;

it turns this:
{\html "Penn & Teller"}

into this:
"Penn & Teller"

This is of course essential to implementing all of the HTML-tag Latte functions, since they must be able to emit HTML metacharacters (particularly `<' and `>') literally.

Note that \html does not turn off automatic <p>-tag generation, though it is possible to use \html in combination with \_pre to achieve that effect.

All remaining HTML functions fall into three categories: character-entity functions; balanced tag functions; and non-balanced tag functions.

5.2.1 Character entity functions

For each named HTML character entity &foo;, `html.latte' defines a function of zero arguments named \c-foo. So, for example, to emit a copyright symbol, write {\c-copy} (which produces &copy;).

The \c-foo functions are implemented in terms of \ch. Write {\ch name} to emit &name;.

There is also \chx, which takes a two-digit hexadecimal number as an argument. It produces &#num;.

5.2.2 Balanced tag functions

"Balanced tag functions" are Latte functions that produce a balanced pair of HTML tags surrounding some text, with optional HTML attributes in the opening tag. For example, \b is a balanced tag function because
{\b some text}

<b>some text</b>

There is a balanced tag function corresponding to every HTML tag defined in the HTML 4.0 "Transitional" standard (which includes deprecated forms). The Latte names of these functions are always all-lowercase.

Every tag function has optional named parameters (see section 3.2.2 Function parameters) corresponding to the attributes permitted for that tag. For instance, \a has named parameters \href and \name, among others. These attribute names are always all-lowercase too.

When you specify a value for an HTML attribute, the value is automatically surrounded with double quotes. For example,
{\a \href= The Latte language}

produces this:
<a href="">The Latte language</a>

Some tags have boolean attributes that do not take values. For instance, in
<textarea readonly>Some text</textarea>

readonly is a boolean attribute. The Latte way to include this attribute is to write \readonly=1. The 1 is ignored; any true value will do. A false value will cause the attribute not to appear in the tag.

Every balanced tag function in latte-html accepts an arbitrary amount of text (as its rest parameter; see section 3.2.2 Function parameters) to be enclosed by the paired beginning-ending HTML tags.

5.2.3 Non-balanced tag functions

Non-balanced tags are those that are not paired with a closing tag and do not enclose text; for example,
<img src="foo.gif" alt="picture of foo">

(There is no </img> tag.)

Non-balanced tag functions in latte-html work exactly like balanced tag functions do, except that they only accept various named parameters as arguments (corresponding to their HTML attributes) and do not accept an arbitrary amount of text to enclose.

5.3 Nonstandard HTML

It is possible to write nonstandard HTML tags and attributes even though `html.latte' doesn't predefine tag functions or named parameters for them.

5.3.1 Nonstandard tags

To write a nonstandard balanced tag, use \_bal-tag. To write a nonstandard non-balanced tag, use \_tag. These functions are used to define all the HTML tag functions in `html.latte'.

Function: _bal-tag name attrs bools deprs nonstandard \=depr \&rest

Emits a balanced pair of HTML tags named name. The tag's attributes and their values are given by attrs, which is a group of the form
{attribute value attribute value ...}

An attribute in attrs with a false value does not appear in the output.

The tag's boolean attributes and their (boolean) values are given by bools, which has the same form as attrs.

The tag's deprecated attributes and their values are given by deprs, which also has the same form as attrs. Any attributes in deprs with true values will cause a warning to be emitted if \strict-html4 is true (see section 4.10 Predefined variables).

Any nonstandard attributes and their values are listed in nonstandard and will also cause warnings to be emitted if \strict-html4 is true.

The named parameter \depr, if set to true, indicates that this tag is deprecated and should generate a warning if used and \strict-html4 is true.

The rest parameter accumulates text to appear between the opening and closing HTML tags.

{\_bal-tag whee
           {foo bar right wrong}
           {x 1 y {}}
           The text in the tags}

<whee foo="bar" right="wrong" x>The text in the tags</whee>

Of greater utility would be defining a tag function named \whee along these lines:
{\def {\whee \=foo \=right \=x \=y \&rest}
  {\_bal-tag whee
             {foo \foo right \right}
             {x \x y \y}

so that you can then write
{\whee \foo=bar \right=wrong \x=1 The text in the tags}

to get the same result as above.

Function: _tag name params bools deprs nonstandard \=depr

This works exactly like \_bal-tag (see above) except that it does not have a rest parameter, does not enclose text, and does not emit an "ending tag."

{\_tag zoom
       {whoosh zing}
  => <zoom whoosh="zing">

5.3.2 Nonstandard attributes

Including nonstandard attributes in a standard HTML tag is quite a bit easier. Every tag function in `html.latte' includes a named parameter called \nonstandard whose value is a list of attribute-value pairs to include in the tag. So, for example,
{\b \nonstandard={boldness high}
    Very bold!}
  => <b boldness="high">Very bold!</b>

even though \b does not have a boldness parameter.

Use of \nonstandard will trigger warnings if \strict-html4 is true.

5.4 Predefined variables in latte-html

In addition to the variables predefined by all Latte translators (see section 4.10 Predefined variables), latte-html predefines the following additional variables:

Variable: __FILE__

The name of the file being processed.

Variable: strict-html4

This variable contains a true value if latte-html was invoked with the --strict option (see section 5.5 Invoking latte-html), otherwise it contains falsehood.

5.5 Invoking latte-html

Usage: latte-html [options] [file]

If file is not given or is -, the standard input is processed.

Options are:

Print the version number of latte-html and exit.
Print a short help summary and exit.
-l library
Load the Latte library file library before processing file. Any number of library files may be preloaded this way. Loading works as in \load-library (see section 4.8 File functions). Libraries requested with this option are loaded after the default libraries (see -n).
Do not load the default libraries. Normally, latte-html implicitly loads `standard.latte' (see section 4. Latte builtins) and `html.latte' (see section 5.2 HTML functions) on startup. If you wish to suppress loading of just one default library file, use -n and also use -l to explicitly load the other library file, like so:
latte-html -n -l standard ...
-o file
Place output in file. Without this option, latte-html places its output on the standard output.
Produce an HTML fragment rather than a complete HTML document. This causes latte-html to suppress the <!DOCTYPE ...> and <html> tags with which it normally surrounds its output. This can be useful when multiple Latte documents must be processed separately then combined to create a single HTML document.
Causes latte-html to emit warnings whenever HTML tags or attributes are used that have been deprecated in the HTML 4.0 standard. The Latte variable --strict is set to true if this option is given, otherwise it's set to false.
-L lang
Set the language code of the resulting HTML document to lang. This causes the <html> tag that is automatically emitted to include the lang=lang attribute.
-d flags
Turn on Latte debugging; flags is a comma-separated list of flags chosen from the set eval and mem. When the eval debugging flag is turned on, each Latte evaluation and result is displayed, with its nesting level indicated with indentation. When the mem debugging flag is turned on, a summary of extant and total objects allocated is periodically displayed. The output format of --debug=eval is designed to be used with the "selective display" feature of Emacs (q.v.), which is able to hide lines with greater than a given amount of indentation.

5.6 Makefile rules

It is convenient to delegate the work of invoking latte-html to make, especially when your project involves multiple Latte files that must be converted into multiple HTML files.

Here's a suffix rule you can add to your `Makefile':
        -rm -f $@
        latte-html -o $@ $<

You may also find it convenient to list your HTML targets like so:
HTMLFILES = foo.html bar.html ...


This, combined with the suffix rule above, will cause make all to create `foo.html' from `foo.latte', `bar.html' from `bar.latte', and so on.

5.6.1 Autoloading shared Latte definitions

It is typical to place common Latte function definitions into a separate file that is shared by all the other Latte files in a project. If you have such definitions in `defns.latte' (say), you may wish to change the suffix rule to
        -rm -f $@
        latte-html --load=defns -o $@ $<

so that `defns.latte' is automatically loaded as each Latte file is processed. (The alternative is to begin each Latte file with a call to {\load-library defns}.)

5.6.2 Managing multi-author documents

Latte can aid in producing HTML documents from multiple sources, such as documents written by multiple authors, each of whom "owns" a section of the document. Each section can be its own Latte file, allowing all authors to edit their portions concurrently. The final document can be a Latte file that uses \include to include the subparts (see section 5.2 HTML functions), or it can be an HTML template that, when glued together with HTML fragments generated from the individual Latte files, forms a complete HTML file.

Here's an example of the first approach. Suppose Hank and Lorna are each responsible for one piece of `article.html', which is produced from the Latte file `article.latte'. Hank edits his portion in `hank.latte', and Lorna edits hers in `lorna.html'.

The file `article.latte' may look like this:
{\head {\title Our article}}
 {\h1 Thesis}

 {\include hank.latte}

 {\h1 Antithesis}

 {\include lorna.latte}}

and the final version can be produced simply by running latte-html article.latte. In this example, the files `hank.latte' and `lorna.latte' need not (indeed, should not) contain any calls to \head or \body.

The second approach, where the output of individual Latte files is pasted together into an HTML template, is slightly trickier, but not much. Imagine that `article.html' is to be produced from `head.html' and `foot.html', which presumably contain HTML boilerplate for beginning and ending files, with the middle of the document supplied by `hank.latte' and `lorna.latte'. The `Makefile' rules for creating this document must generate HTML files from the Latte pieces, then concatenate all the HTML parts with the Unix command cat. Here's how it can do that:
hank.html: hank.latte
        -rm -f hank.html
        latte-html --fragment -o hank.html hank.latte 

lorna.html: lorna.latte
        -rm -f lorna.html
        latte-html --fragment -o lorna.html lorna.latte

article.html: head.html foot.html hank.html lorna.html
        -rm -f article.html
        cat head.html hank.html lorna.html foot.html > article.html

Note the use of the --fragment option to latte-html to suppress the automatic generation of an HTML preamble (containing a DOCTYPE declaration and commentary), an <html> tag, and a closing </html> tag.

5.7 Latte mode for Emacs

The Latte package comes with `latte.el', which is an implementation of an Emacs editing mode for Latte files. It's based on Emacs's text mode and provides some consistent indentation rules plus syntax-based coloring of Latte language elements.

When Latte is installed, `latte.el' (and a "byte-compiled" version of it, `latte.elc') is installed the proper place for Emacs extensions. To use Latte mode while editing a Latte file, first ensure that the library is loaded by typing
M-x load-library RET latte RET

then invoke latte-mode with
M-x latte-mode RET

Since this is somewhat cumbersome, you may wish to have Emacs invoke Latte mode automatically when you edit files whose names end in `.latte'. To arrange this, add the following lines to your `.emacs' file:
(autoload 'latte-mode "latte" "Latte mode" t)

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (cons '("\\.latte$" . latte-mode)

6. The latte-text translator

Latte includes a program called latte-text that works very much like latte-html except that it produces plain text as output. The implementation is very rudimentary at present, but it's suitable for experimenting with. In future releases, latte-text will become more sophisticated.

In principle, a file that is written to be processed with latte-html can also be processed with latte-text to obtain a reasonable plain-text facsimile of the HTML version. The library file `text.latte' defines most of the same markup functions as does `html.latte' but gives them non-HTML definitions. For example, in html.latte, the function \b ("boldface") surrounds its arguments with <b> and </b>. In text.latte, the same function surrounds its arguments with *asterisks*.

7. Future directions

Here's what's planned for Latte beyond the current release.

Other translators and tools
Translators to languages other than HTML would increase the usefulness of Latte. One vision is for marked-up text to always be writable in Latte format, then translatable to whatever language is required for its final processing step (HTML for documents destined for the web, TeX for documents destined for the printer, ASCII for documents destined for plain-text displays, etc.). Whether that's actually a desirable goal is an open question, but it's certainly an interesting idea. At any rate, additional translators can only be a good thing. There is a niche for tools that process Latte files without necessarily translating them. For instance, a Latte dependency-tracker can determine what files a particular one depends on via calls to \file-contents, \include, and so on. This would aid in writing accurate dependencies in Makefiles.
Higher-level libraries
The functions now available in latte-html provide a bare minimum of basic functionality plus HTML equivalence. They don't include any useful higher-level functions to assist with such things as page layout--you still have to write HTML-analogous code. Of course, Latte allows you to encapsulate that code as reusable functions, and indeed many such functions have been written by Latte users for specific purposes. Some of those functions should be cleaned up, documented, made more general, and assembled into a useful library. Another set of high-level functions could abstract away the details of the target language. It should be possible to write a single Latte document that can produce both HTML and TeX, for example. But a Latte file containing calls to \img and \h3 clearly has an HTML bias, whereas a Latte file containing calls to (hypothetical functions) \setlength and \verbatim clearly has a TeX bias. A set of common markup functions that translates well into all target languages could be just what the doctor ordered.
Richer string handling
Latte needs some Perl-like facilities for pattern matching, composition, and decomposition of strings.
Improved system interface
Latte should be able to perform file operations such as linking and unlinking files, testing access permissions, reading directories, and so on, as well as other system operations such as querying the current time, getting and setting environment variables, and so on.
Character set awareness
Presently, latte-html presumes the character set of the text in its input is ASCII or a superset thereof (such as ISO Latin-1). It should become possible to advise latte-html that the text is in some other character set. This would produce character set information in the generated HTML file, and would also affect which characters undergo automatic character-entity translation (see section 5.1 Automatic HTML processing), and what entities they're translated to.
Better debugging
The debugging output produced by latte-html -d eval is voluminous and useful only to the very dauntless. It should be possible to usefully restrict what output is seen, and that output should become more representative of the actions of the Latte engine.
Apache module
It should be possible to write a module for the Apache HTTP server that would allow it to serve Latte documents without their needing to be translated to HTML first; the translation would occur on the fly at document-serving time.

8. Further information

Further information about Latte can be found on the Latte home page at

To participate in Latte-related discussion, you may subscribe to the Latte mailing list by sending a request to

To reach the developers, send mail to Use this address for reporting bugs. Please make sure your bug reports contain as much relevant information as possible, including:

Before reporting a bug, please be sure that the problem isn't a Latte usage error on your part. The Latte "Frequently Asked Questions" page can help you make this determination. It's at

Latte is open source software, licensed under the terms of the Zanshin Public License. A copy of the license comes with Latte in the file `COPYING'. The license can also be found at

Latte is a product of Zanshin, Inc. More about Zanshin can be found on the Zanshin home page at

A. Pedigree

The language designer's task is consolidation, not innovation.

---C.A.R. Hoare (paraphrased)

Some users may recognize the influence of other languages in the design of Latte.

Latte borrows the choice of metacharacters (`\', `{', and `}') from TeX. One of TeX's drawbacks is that there actually are numerous other metacharacters, some of which are active in some contexts and not in others. This makes it tricky to write syntactically correct TeX, so Latte specifically rejects making any other characters "meta," even though some of TeX's metacharacters are frequently convenient (such as `~' for a non-breaking space).

Many of Latte's other features come from Scheme (a dialect of Lisp), including: prefix notation, in which function calls are written with the operator preceding the operands; lexical scope, described in section section 3.2.1 Scope, where the binding of a variable is fixed at lexical-analysis time (i.e., when the program is parsed rather than when it runs); manifest types, which means that "type" is a property of a value rather than of a variable; quasiquoting, which aids in writing macros; and first-class functions, meaning that function objects (created with \lambda and \macro; see section 4.3 Functions on functions) can be assigned to variables or passed to and returned from other functions.

Function and Variable Index

Jump to: _ - a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - u - w - z


  • __FILE__
  • __latte-version__
  • _bal-tag
  • _pre
  • _tag
  • a

  • add
  • and
  • append
  • apply
  • b

  • back
  • c

  • caar
  • cadr
  • car
  • cdar
  • cddr
  • cdr
  • ceil
  • compose
  • concat
  • cons
  • d

  • def, def
  • defmacro
  • divide
  • downcase
  • e

  • empty?
  • equal?
  • error
  • explode
  • f

  • file-contents
  • floor
  • foreach
  • front
  • funcall
  • g

  • ge?
  • getenv
  • greater-equal?
  • greater?
  • group
  • group?
  • gt?
  • h

  • html
  • i

  • if
  • include
  • l

  • lambda
  • le?
  • length, length
  • less-equal?
  • less?
  • let
  • lmap
  • load-file
  • load-library
  • lt?
  • m

  • macro
  • member?
  • modulo
  • multiply
  • n

  • not
  • nth, nth
  • o

  • operator?
  • or
  • ordinary quote
  • p

  • process-output
  • push-back
  • push-front
  • q

  • quasiquote
  • quote
  • r

  • random
  • rdc
  • reverse
  • s

  • set!
  • snoc
  • splicing unquote
  • strict-html4
  • string-append
  • string-ge?
  • string-greater-equal?
  • string-greater?
  • string-gt?
  • string-le?
  • string-less-equal?
  • string-less?
  • string-lt?
  • string?
  • subseq
  • substr
  • subtract
  • u

  • unquote
  • unquote-splicing
  • upcase
  • useless
  • w

  • warn
  • while
  • z

  • zero?

  • Footnotes


    Under another popular set of scoping rules called dynamic scope, the variable meant by a particular variable reference can actually change from moment to moment, depending on differences in the order in which functions are executing.


    What's the difference between a "parameter" and an "argument"? The terms are usually used interchangeably, but technically speaking, "parameter" refers to the variable in the function definition, while "argument" is the value that gets passed in when the function is called. The value of the argument is assigned to the parameter.

    This document was generated on 6 November 1999 using texi2html 1.56k.